ClassBug (2/4)

ClassBug is user-friendly management software for class based venues such as dance and yoga studios, martial art dojos, and parks and recreation centers. It’s the easiest way to manage your business and offer online registration, sales and view various types of reports. 

ClassBug was built to accommodate the needs of the modern-day business manager and is powerful enough to do everything you really need, but simple enough for anyone to learn. ClassBug’s web store is quick to setup and offers fully automated online registration and sales. 

The point of sale (POS) process includes sales options such as discounts and coupon codes, gift cards/store credit, requisite classes, memberships and waiting lists. Users can manage and add classes to a color-coded schedule, as well as track instructors and students with automated reports and attendance sheets. Using the instructor reports, users can see all work history for managing payroll, as well as view upcoming schedules for timetable planning. Student reports keep track of student activity such as missed classes with date information. The attendance reports automatically generate attendance sheets ready for printing, or for using within the solution. 

ClassBug is web-based which means users do everything right in the browser, and can login via smartphones and tablets with access to the Internet. The software has automatic updates, so users will always stay up-to-date with the latest version of ClassBug.


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ClassJuggler (1/4)

Fitli (3/4)